Joint Sitting passes Civil Liability Bill of Bhutan 2022
Hon’ble Passang Dorji (Ph.D), Chairperson of the Joint Committee on Civil Liability Bill of Bhutan presented the Committee’s recommendations on the disputed clauses of the Bill to the Joint Sitting today. The Joint Committee was instituted to review the 81 disputed clauses of the Civil Liability Bill of Bhutan 2022 between the two Houses of Parliament.
From the total of 81 disputed clauses, the Chairperson presented only 36 substantive clauses as the rest are related to translation, sequencing, and repetitive provisions.
The objective of the bill is to provide a comprehensive legal framework on civil liability and guide the procedure of claiming compensation for violating individual fundamental rights. This Bill recognizes the accountability and transparency in the society and governance.
After intense deliberations clause by clause, the House endorsed all the Joint Committee’s recommendations and passed the Bill with 44 Yes, 13 No and 7 Abstain out of 64 Members present and voting securing more than two-third of the Joint Sitting. The two third majority has been based on 57 members as 7 abstained members were not included in the calculation for the two-third majority.
The Bill will be submitted to His Majesty the King for the Royal Assent.
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