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Monday, 24 March 2025

Question Hour

Question Hour has special significance in the proceedings of the National Assembly and takes place every Tuesday and Friday from 10 am to 11:30 am when Parliament is sitting. During   Question Hour government ministers are questioned by members on every aspect of government activity. Ministers are required to answer decisions made and actions taken or not taken.

Notices of Questions 

A member must give notice in writing to the secretary general, the intended question to be asked at least two days in advance. It must receive approval from the Speaker to be included in the question hour. A copy of questions received and approved by the Speaker is shared with members at least a day before the question hour session.

A member who wants an oral reply to a question must write the words “for oral reply” on the notice of the question delivered to the secretary general.

Time Limit

A question must be completed within three minutes and an answer must be completed within seven minutes. Any supplementary questions must be completed within two minutes and an answer must be completed within five minutes. Ministries are categorized into four groups to answer questions from members.