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Wednesday, 23 October 2024

The Second Session of the Fourth Parliament is tentatively scheduled in the second week of November, 2024...

Question Hour Session

Question Hour Session

During the Question Hour Session today, the Ministers in Group B were asked a total of eleven questions - seven for oral responses and four for written responses. Three questions were asked to the Minister of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) and two each to the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) and to the Minister of Health (MoH). Additionally, three questions for written responses were directed to the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL), and one to the Minister of Health (MoH).

The Minister of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) was questioned on the  plans to resolve the acute shortages of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subject teachers, measures to enhance the quality of education, strategies to motivate and retain our teachers in face of rising attrition rate and shortage of teachers, and plans to provide Bjishong Central School with the required facilities of a central school. 

The Minister of Education and Skills Development (MoESD), responding to the questions, outlined measures to address acute shortages in STEM teachers. Currently facing a critical shortage of 135 teachers, immediate steps included hiring 19 Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) graduates and contract teachers. She reported that plans were also underway to recruit 100 expat teachers by July 2024, while two colleges of education aim to augment the teaching workforce. 

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) was asked about its strategies and plans for implementing the Irrigation Water Flagship Program to address water shortages across different areas in Punakha Dzongkhag. Additionally, questions regarding the sufficiency of the budget allocated for commercial farming and high-value crops to achieve the GDP target of Nu.50 billion, and whether focusing on specific Dzongkhags for commercial farming would deliver the anticipated benefits.

Responding to the Questions, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock elaborated on strategies for implementing the Irrigation Water Flagship Program and ensuring adequate budget allocations for promoting commercial farming.

The Minister of Health was questioned on the high attrition rate and the shortage of doctors and nurses, along with inquiries about government strategies to tackle these pressing issues. In response, the Minister of Health acknowledged the concerns with regard to shortage of doctors and nurses, attributing the high attrition to factors such as low salaries and limited career advancement as well as with the increased demand for health workers all over the world. The Minister highlighted initiatives to retain healthcare professionals, including salary increases and enhanced training programs. He informed the House that discussions are also underway regarding potential revisions to the health sector transformation initiative and the reinstatement of the Department of Traditional Medicine Services.


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