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Wednesday, 03 July 2024

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Continuation of the deliberation on the 13th Five-Year Plan and Endorsement

Continuation of the deliberation on the 13th Five-Year Plan and Endorsement

The House continued deliberation on the recommendations presented by the Economic and Finance Committee on the 13th FYP today.

The House, deliberating on the nine specific and one general recommendations at length, endorsed the 13th FYP with the adoption of the following recommendations of the Economic and Finance Committee:

  1. Recommendation 2: Population data of the average of resident population and registered population in place of just resident population to be used for RAF;

  2. Recommendation 3: Separate Resource allocations for Dzongkhag Thromdes and Yenlag Throms with approved local area plans to be incorporated; 

  3. Recommendation 4: The Government to develop sector wise resource outlay similar to allocation framework reflected in the National Budget document of the Financial Year 2024 -2025 to enable the decision makers and implementers in comprehending the resource allocation trends and guide in projecting the future resource requirement;

  4. Recommendation 6: The plan should incorporate major projects and its indicative resource outlay to ensure transparency, predictability and consistency of the plan and its implementation;

  5. Recommendation 7: The Government to allocate 1% of GDP on Research & Development to carry out Basic Research, Applied Research and Experimental Development; 

  6. Recommendation 8: The Government to develop a detailed Human Development Master Plan with dedicated resource allocated for the 13th FYP and to enhance resources allocation for HRD from 0.81% (Nu.2 billion) to 2% (Nu.4.9 billion); 

  7. Recommendation 9: The Government to allocate dedicated resources for out of school and unemployed youth to develop sport facilities; and 

  8. Recommendation 10: The Government to include ESP in the main fiscal framework of 13th FYP for transparency, responsibility and accountability as mandated by Article 14, Section 2 of the Constitution.

The Recommendation 1: “To use uniform criteria that was used for Gewog to Dzongkhag, Thromdes and Gewogs; to reduce the weightage of GNH Index (Inverse) and apply the weightage similar to that of Gewog; and to do away with standard deviation for Resource Allocation Formula” and the Recommendation 5: “To allocate PTA and SDP resources for LGs through a resource allocation formula similar to the one used for block grant allocation” could not secure majority support of the House during the show of hands.

The House voted to endorse the 13 FYP with 38 YES, 1 ABSTAIN and 3 NO votes out of 42 members present and voting. 


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