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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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Constituency visit update; Chhoekhor-Tang constituency, Bumthang Dzongkhag

Constituency visit update; Chhoekhor-Tang constituency, Bumthang Dzongkhag

Hon. Kuenzang Thinley (Chhoekhor-Tang constituency) Member of the National Assembly is visiting his constituency from 1-11 April, 2024 to meet his constituents and discuss issues faced by the people.

Hon. Kuenzang Thinely made a courtesy call to the Bumthang Dzongda on 2 April, 2024. Following the meeting, the Member visited his constituencies to engage with the public and get first hand information on the issues they faced. During the meeting the Member shared the vision and plans for the development of the new Chamkhar town, updated the people on the finalization of the 13 FYP, highlighted the receipt of support of Nu.15 Billion and Nu.85 Billion from the Government of India, for the Economic Stimulus Plan and the 13 FYP respectively.    

Some of the issues raised were the high property tax, farm road maintenance, water shortage, need for central schools and  issues faced regarding online payment. The Member also met the Dzongkhag Education Officer to understand the plans for the Dzongkhag Central Schools and statistics. The Member also held meetings with the Gewog administration to look into the plans of the Gewog.

Upon the request of the Member, the officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MoIT) made a site visit for the development of  new towns in Jalikhar, Dekiling and Chamkhar on 3 April 2024 .

The Member emphasized the significance and the urgency of the 13th FYP and called for collaborative actions. The Member has till date visited 25 villages and is scheduled to visit some more villages and address the issues of the people in collaboration with the concerned sectors of the Dzongkhag and the Gewogs.

The Member will be back in office on 12 April, 2024.


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