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Thursday, 13 March 2025

Virtual Zomdu

Virtual Zomdu is a new way of organizing zomdu or community meetings via videoconferencing. It provides a vital channel for real-time, face-to-face communication and interaction between elected representatives and people living in far-flung rural parts of the country.

Virtual Zomdu makes use of videoconferencing technology to enable parliamentarians and people to engage in dialogue and discussion. VZ utilizes the existing fiber optics networks, which support high-definition videoconferencing.

Videoconferencing facilities are available in community centers, the National Assembly, and the National Council.

VZ sessions can be held between any time in between the two constituency visits made by parliamentarians every year. VZ will not replace the twice-yearly visits of the parliamentarians but will complement the visits and provide a greater opportunity for interaction between people and elected representatives.

Honorable Members wishing to have a meeting with their constituency shall notify the ICT personnel of the National Assembly before 5 working days to arrange the meeting. The NAS shall take the necessary action to make the VZ happen.

Revised Virtual Zomdu Operational Guidelines 2018

Contact details of VZ focal person:

Mr Sampa Dhendup, Sr. ICT Technical Associate: Focal person

Email: Send Email To Request for Virtual Zomdu Link

Phone: # 02325132

Mobile: # 17480505