The Hon’ble Speaker holds meeting with the Business Community of Samtse Dzongkhag
On March 5, 2025, the Hon'ble Speaker held a meeting with the business community of Samtse at the Regional Revenue and Custom Conference Hall where the local business leaders voiced their concerns and priorities.
The key issues raised by the businessmen were:
On the development of the Core town including the improvement of infrastructure, urban planning, and the revitalization of Samtse's central business district.
Need for a trade office: The business community emphasized the importance of establishing a trade office to facilitate commerce, streamline bureaucratic processes, and support local businesses.
Samtse as the 5th Thromde
Removal of the buffer zone: Business owners expressed concerns on the impact of the buffer zone's on existing settlements, suggesting a need for its removal to allow for further development.
Following the morning meeting, the Hon’ble Speaker visited the Damdum industrial area and the Norbugang industrial sites. These visits likely aimed to assess the current state of industrial development and explore opportunities for future growth in the region.