Friday, 19 July 2024

Welcome to the National Assembly of Bhutan website.

Question Hours on 16 June 2023-DZ

Question Hours on 16 June 2023-DZ

Thirteen oral questions were raised during the Question Hours today – five oral questions to the Finance Minister, five to the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock and three to the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Employment.

The Minister for Finance was questioned on the projects financed under the National Credit Guarantee Scheme and Non-Performing Loan (NPL), possibility to increase the current Rural Life Insurance Scheme, Government's stand on the disallowed Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for Civil Servants on a day trip, Government’s stand on reforming the current pension scheme, and the Government’s plan for new policies and programs to support youths to do business.

Questions on how to use Sokshing, Government’s plan to revive the citrus/mandarin industry, government’s plan and strategies to address the huge shortage of seed and seedlings, inclusion of  Khatoed Gewog in the second phase of chain link fencing, and official written notification on the re-collection of power tillers including the possibility of provision of cost sharing subsidies for the farmers regarding the same were raised to the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock.

The Minister for Industry, Commerce and Employment was questioned on plans and strategies being initiated by the Ministry to allow the Street hawkers to run their business, issues concerning the maximum age limit of the Overseas Employment Unit, and the government’s plan to support the hoteliers affected by the new Tourism Levy.

Question Hours are conducted every Tuesday and Friday mornings.


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How should the government react to Bhutanese leaving to Australa ?

Encourage them
Discourage them
Stop them from leaving